




How to support your natural cycles for more energy and better relationships

how-daily-biorhythms-influence-our-lifeWhen you understand how your natural biological rhythm cycle affect your physical, mental and emotional well being, you can also choose the best times to schedule particular activities – whether its an important meeting or presentation, raising a sensitive issue with your partner, or starting that new fitness regime or cleanse.

A fourth rhythm, less well known, influences your intuition and creativity.

In the same way that it can assist you, observing your partner’s, or your child’s biorhythms may give you some insight into patterns that have previously been a mystery to you.

And when you, or a family member need that ‘tune up’ , we’ve found that pure 100% natural therapeutic-grade essential oils are a potent choice for supporting and harmonising your energy during those challenging and critical and low times.

Attendees may choose to receive a FREE personalised biorhythm support program [value $55] … PLUS we’ll show you how to purchase your pure therapeutic-grade essential oils at a 24% discount.


jennifer-moallemJENNIFER MOALEM
BA. Dip Ed. Dip TAT, MACA

Jennifer empowers her clients to create ‘breakthroughs’ that are ongoing and sustainable in all areas of their lives – from career and relationships, to finances and health.

She has devoted more than 25 years to exploring a variety of complementary therapies and technologies including nutrition, kinesiology, reiki, autogenic therapy, transpersonal art therapy, shiatsu, reflexology, essential oils, emotional release work, and conflict resolution, as well as numerous other areas in the field of human potential. She is passionate about sharing with others the skills that she’s learned and evolved as part of her own healing journey.

As a registered counsellor and practitioner of Resonance Repatterning®, she uses Young Living Essential Oils as part of her extensive range of modalities.


The content and duration of this seminar can be adapted to meet the needs of any group. It’s equally effective as a one-day seminar or as separate modules. The content can be delivered in small groups face-to-face, online as webinars, or integrated into a larger event or conference.

Contact:   For information, call Jenny on (02) 9389 8915 / 0411 543 733

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